Is your behavior eco-responsible ?

How many Watt are wasted in your house by devices in standby mode ?

1. Study the Official European journal extract to know what must be the maximum power used by a device in standby mode.

2. Download the standby calculator and fill in the blanks by following the next steps.

Link each square A - B...together including calculation.

A : Enter the sum of the number of devices which are in standby mode in your house.

B : According to the result of the question 1, find the power spent at home by A.

C : Energy/year = power*number of hour in a year (be careful, we are in KWh and not in Wh).

D : Assuming everybody is approximately like you, calculate the power spent by devices which are in standby mode in your house.  

E : The same for the energy calculation.

F : Give the number of nuclear reactors, we need to supply all these standby modes.

G : Or the number of big wind turbines.

H : Search for the price of a KWh in France on the Internet and give the price spent by your family/year.

I : How much do French people pay the standby mode ?

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