Introduction - Part two

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1/        Watch the second part of the video twice (“introduction - part two.wmv”).

       Fill in the blanks while and after listening. (one blank = one word)

Now obviously, there is at this point what we call a ______ _____ because, obviously, the ______ _______ _______ quite slowly and if it went round that _______, the __________ wouldn't generate much __________. But there is a gear box to _______ __ the ________ in the generator so even though this goes round quite slowly, the generator is at its ____ ________ and will generate electricity.

This electricity then is fed down the tower and out to the __________ _____ where it can __________ electricity _________ the other ways. It is interesting to note that you can not just put them anywhere.

Obviously, the energy which is used is ______ ________ and the ____ is ________. And as the air moves past, the energy is _________ _____ the air. So, you can't put a lot of them very ______ __ ____ _____ because one will affect the work of the other.

And in fact, that's why you see they're fairly well spread out because they have to have their ____ _____ of air to work in. So that's a wind turbine; how it works and how it is ___ __.

If you see one, just think, this will be producing energy for the foreseeable future.

2/        The blade rotates?

               () slowly                        () at a medium speed                        () fast

3/        The electric generator rotates?

               () slowly                        () at a medium speed                        () fast

4/        What is the purpose of the gear box?

5/        Here is the internal block diagram of the wind turbine.

6/        Why can't we implement two wind turbines very close to one another?

Go to Introduction - Part one

Go to Deconstructed - Part one

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